Equity Funds

Capstone’s Equity Funds offer a diversified investment approach aligned with Christian values. Focused on income generation, capital preservation, and value-driven strategies, these funds provide access to Canadian and global assets across public and private markets. Prioritizing quality investments, we aim to deliver strong returns through capital growth and dividend income.

Capstone Non-Traditional Equity Pool

About this Fund

Investment Process

Capstone's Non Traditional Equity Pool is designed to generate returns through a combination of steady dividend income and long-term capital appreciation. It focuses on investing in high-quality, publicly traded Canadian large- and mid-cap companies. Managed within a client’s Separately Managed Account (SMA), this structure provides investors with direct share ownership, enabling tax-efficient strategies such as gain and loss harvesting and enhanced benefits for charitable giving. Capstone emphasizes companies with strong market positions, sustainable competitive advantages, responsible debt levels, thoughtful capital allocation, and leadership rooted in integrity and expertise. Guided by a faith-based perspective, the strategy aligns investments with Capstone’s Biblical values, ensuring a commitment to ethical and principled business practices.

This Fund is for

Investor Profile

This Fund is suitable for investors who:

  • are looking for capital gains and dividend income through active management following a value-based investment philosophy.
  • wish to invest in companies with proven management teams, strong cash flows and earnings growth.
  • want non-traditional equity exposure with lower risk than broad stock market indices
  • are able to accept a medium to high level of risk.

Growth of $10,000

Risk Level


Prices, Performance, and Fees

Select what you want to see:
Fund unit code price currency 1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years load type management fee mer% Min Subscription inception date
Capstone First Mortgage Pool Series A CVT101 0 CAD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FE 0 0 0 Sep 30, 2013

a new era in investing is here. Let’s make the most of it together!

Capstone investors typically have $500,000 or more of investable assets; if this is you, please get in touch with us.

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