Fixed Income Funds

Capstone’s Fixed Income Funds provide stable income and capital preservation through investments in construction and development mortgages, private credit, and public corporate debt. Designed for income-focused investors, these funds are guided by a faith-based approach to ensure alignment with a Biblical worldview, complementing traditional fixed income portfolios with a values-driven strategy.

Capstone First Mortgage Fund

About this Fund

Investment Process

The Capstone First Mortgage Fund offers investors interest income and capital preservation through financing construction and development projects from reputable Canadian firms. Investments are made on real estate assets at any stage in the development cycle. This model provides strong returns for investors while ensuring a relatively high level of security. Our team has deep experience in the lending sector and we underwrite each opportunity in-house.

This Fund is for

Investor Profile

This Fund is suitable for investors who:

  • are looking for interest income with regular cash flow
  • seek exposure to mortgage investments with conservative loan to value ratios, terms less than three years and real property as security
  • wish to participate in multiple mortgages, reducing overall risk
  • want a low to medium level of risk while investing in construction and development mortgages
  • wish to hold their investment in a non-registered account type

Growth of $10,000

Risk Level


Prices, Performance, and Fees

Select what you want to see:
Fund unit code price currency 1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years load type management fee mer% Min Subscription inception date
Capstone First Mortgage Pool Series A CVT101 0 CAD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FE 0 0 0 Sep 30, 2013

a new era in investing is here. Let’s make the most of it together!

Capstone investors typically have $500,000 or more of investable assets; if this is you, please get in touch with us.

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